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10/22/2017 The Liturgy is God's Election.  I Thessalonians 1:4, 5. 

10/15/2017 The Liturgy of the Church is the Gospel.  Philippians 4:7. 

10/8/2017 The Gospel is the Saving Knowledge of God.  Philippians 3:8. 

10/1/2017 The Gospel Inspires Humility.  Philippians 2:3. 

9/24/2017 The Gospel is Win-Win.  Philippians 1:21. 

9/17/2017 The Gospel Restores the Conscience.  Romans 14:4. 

9/10/2017 God Ordained the State for the Gospel.  Romans 13:4. 

9/3/2017 The Cross is Genuine Love.  Romans 12:9. 

8/27/2017 The Gospel Mind Preserves Life Forever.  Romans 12:2. 

8/20/2017 Service Cancelled  Service Cancelled 

8/13/2017 Eternal Life is as Near as the Bible.  Romans 10:8 

8/6/2017 The Gospel Inspires Sacrificial Love.  Romans 9:3. 

7/30/2017 The Gospel Blesses in All Circumstances.  Romans 8;28 

7/23/2017 Service Cancelled.   

7/16/2017 The Gospel Makes Men Children of God.  Romans 8:16. 

7/9/2017 Sin is not Imputed after Baptism.  Romans 7:23. 

7/2/2017 The Gospel, not the Law, Gives Life.  Romans 7:10. 

6/25/2017 Absolution is God's Righteousness.  Romans 6:14. 

6/18/2017 Christ Died for Sinners not Saints.  Romans 5:10. 

6/11/2017 The Holy Trinity Saves through the Gospel.  Acts 2:34. 

6/4/2017 The Holy Ghost Preaches the Gospel.  Acts 2:21. 

5/28/2017 God's Favorable Judgment is Absolution.  I Peter 4:17. 

5/21/2017 Holy Baptism Absolves and Saves.  I Peter 3:21. 

5/14/2017 The Gospel Makes Men Priests before God.  I Peter 2:5. 

5/7/2017 The Cross: Justice, Love, & Compassion  I Peter 2:23 

4/29/2017 Christ Manifests Himself through the Gospel.  I Peter 1:20 

4/23/2017 John Gerhard  St. John 20:21-23 

4/16/2017 Easter  Christ’s Resurrection from the Dead becomes Ours through the Gospel 

4/14/2017 Good Friday  God is Our High Priest and Sacrifice because Christ our High Priest and Savior is God Incarnate 

4/9/2017 “Jesus Saves by Being Saved for Us.”   

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Showing records 421 through 450.