Advent Sermons
The Power of the Liturgy to Save
Advent 2007

Advent Meditations on the Messianic Psalm: Psalm 2
The Power of the Liturgy to Save has been the theme of the Advent Services at Concordia Lutheran Mission, Terrebonne, Oregon.  The meditations are based upon Psalm 2, a psalm that teaches that Jesus is God's Anointed or Messiah.  The Messiah saves men through His Liturgy, namely the Liturgy of the Church.  Because the Liturgy of the Church is Jesus' own Word and Sacraments, the Liturgy of the Church saves and gives eternal life.  The sermons can be found on Concordia's web site at the following links:

The Holy Trinity, The Throne of Grace.
                       Albrecht Durer.
Advent Service I
Advent Service II
Advent Service III