Sunday Sermons

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4/29/2018 Philip Preached Jesus from the OT  Acts 8:35 

4/22/2018 Jesus the Only Savior because He Atones for Sin  Acts 4:21 

4/15/2018 The Author of Life Dies to Give Life to Men  Acts 3:15 

4/8/2018 The Apostolic Testimony is the Gospel.  Acts 4:33 

4/1/2018 The Gospel Raises Men from the Dead.  Isaiah 25:8 

3/25/2018 Jesus was Saved to Save Sinners  Zechariah 9:9 

3/18/2018 Knowing God Aright in the Gospel  Jeremiah 31:34 

3/11/2018 The Sacrament of the Bronze Serpent  Numbers 21:8 

3/4/2018 Faith Fulfills God's Commandmetns  Exodus 20:6 

2/25/2018 Father Abraham by the Gospel  Genesis 17:5 

2/18/2018 God Blesses the Nations with the Gospel  Genesis 22:18 

2/18/2018 God's Focus is Mercy in Christ  Joel 2:13 

2/11/2018 Moses & Elijah Preached the Gospel  St. Mark 9:4 

2/4/2018 Jesus is Almighty to Save  Isaiah 40:25 

1/28/2018 Jesus is the Prophet Prophesied by Moses  Deuteronomy 18:15 

1/21/2018 The Miracle of Nineveh was the Gospel  Jonah 3:5 

1/14/2018 The Gospel Creates the Saving Obedience of Faith.  I Samuel 13:10 

1/7/2018 Jesus Empowers Baptism to Save  Genesis 1:1-3 

12/31/2017 The Gospel is God's Saving Righteousness   Isaiah 61:11 

12/25/2017 The Gospel is the Strong Arm of the Lord.  Isaiah 52:10 

12/24/2017 The Son of David Builds God's Eternal House  II Samuel 7:16 

12/24/2017 Christ was Born to Give Life Eternal to Men  Isaiah 7:14 

12/17/2017 The Gospel is God's Acceptable Time  Isaiah 61:2. 

12/10/2017 Service Cancelled  Service Cancelled 

12/3/2017 The Gospel Blesses Super Abundantly  Isaiah 64:4 

11/26/2017 World Ends with Last Believer  I Corinthians 15:28 

11/19/2017 The Gospel Prepares for the End  I Thessalonians 5:10 

11/12/2017 The Gospel Makes Death Mere Sleep   I Thessalonians 4:13 

11/5/2017 The Gospel Bestows the Beatific Vision of God.  I John 3:2. 

10/29/2017 The Reformation was about the Keys.  Romans 3:22-23. 

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Showing records 391 through 420.