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12/24/2019 The Babe is the Captain of the Lord's Hosts.  St. Luke 2:13-14. 

12/22/2019 God's Peace of the Cross Preserves Souls.  Philippians 4:7 

12/15/2019 God's Mystery is the Saving Gospel.  I Corinthians 4:1 

12/8/2019 Romans 15:12.  The Gospel Saves All Men, Jew & Gentile. 

12/1/2019 The Gospel Saves from the Flesh.  Romans 13:14. 

11/28/2019 Christians Give Thanks for the Gospel.  St. Luke 17:14. 

11/24/2019 The Gospel is Entree to Paradise.  St. Luke 23:43. 

11/17/2019 The Gospel is God's Glory and Power.  St. Luke 21:27. 

11/10/2019 Moses Preached Gospel Resurrection.  St. Luke 20:37. 

11/3/2019 Men become Saints by Grace through Faith.  St. Matthew 5:10 

10/27/2019 The Keys and the Reformation.  St. John 8:32. 

10/20/2019 God Answers Prayer by the Gospel  St. Luke 18:8 

10/13/2019 The Gospel Healed Leprosy because it Raises from Death.  St. Luke 17:14.  

10/6/2019 The Faith of Absolution Forgives and Saves.  St. Luke 17:6 

9/29/2019 St Michael and All Angels Preach the Gospel  Daniel 12:1 

9/22/2019 "The Gospel uses Fallen Creation to Save Men Fallen in Sin."  St. Luke 16:9 

9/15/2019 God Became Man to Save by the Gospel  St. Luke 15:7 

9/8/2019 Crosses are a Gospel Blessing.  St. Luke 14:27. 

9/1/2019 The Gospel Exalts and Saves Sinners  St. Luke 14:11 

8/25/2019 The Gospel is the Only Way to Heaven  St. Luke 13:24 

8/18/2019 The Gospel Unites a World Fallen in Sin  St. Luke 12:51 

8/11/2019 The Gospel Garners All God's Blessings.  St. Luke 12:31. 

8/4/2019 The Gospel Garners Everlasting Treasures.  St. Luke 12:21. 

7/28/2019 The Gospel Empowers Prayer  St. Luke 11:13. 

7/21/2019 The Preaching of the Gospel is the Good Part  St. Luke 10:42 

7/14/2019 Men Inherit Eternal Life through the Gospel  St. Luke 10:25 

7/7/2019 The Gospel Cast the Devil from Heaven.  St. Luke 10:18. 

6/30/2019 Christ's Holy Life Saves.  St. Luke 9:58 

6/23/2019 Absolution Drives Out the Devil  St. Luke 8:29 

6/16/2019 Eternal Life is to Know the Trinity  St. John 8:58 

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Showing records 301 through 330.